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WAM Protein - Chocolate Hazelnut


Unser 100 % veganes Proteinpulver für perfekt cremige, köstliche Shakes mit Milch oder Wasser. Kein zugesetzter Zucker oder künstliche Süßstoffe – für einen ausgewogenen, natürlichen Geschmack, der nicht zu süß ist. Leicht verdaulich, entwickelt von Sport-Ernährungsexpertinnen für eine bessere Regeneration – ohne Kompromisse und ohne Blähungen! (900 g / 30 Portionen)

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Warum WAM Protein?

Zutatenliste und Allergene

Chocolate Hazelnut

Sojaprotein, Reisprotein, Erbsenprotein, fettarmes Kakaopulver, Aroma, Kokosmilchpulver (Kokosmilch, Maltodextrin), Leucinpulver (L-Leucin, Sonnenblumenlecithin), Verdickungsmittel (Guarkernmehl), Süßungsmittel (Steviolglycoside aus Stevia).

Hergestellt in einer Anlage, die auch Getreide mit Gluten, Eier, Soja, Milch und Lupinen verarbeitet.

Empfohlene Verwendung

Als Proteinshake: Eine Portion à 30 g (2 gehäufte Esslöffel) in 300 ml Wasser oder (pflanzliche) Milch lösen und genießen. Das geht am einfachsten in einem Shaker.

Du kannst unser Eiweiß auch zum Backen bedenkenlos einsetzen, oder dir einen leckeren Shake oder Smoothie mit weiteren Zutaten zubereiten.


21 g Protein Pro Portion | 110 kcal pro Portion | 2,5 g Leucin pro Portion | 6,3 g BCAAs pro Portion

Nährwerte (pro 100 g) : Energie: 1544 kJ, Kalorien (kcal): 365, Fett: 4,9 g – davon gesättigte Fettsäuren: 2,1 g, Kohlenhydrate: 6,3 g – davon Zucker: 1,3 g, Ballaststoffe: 5,8 g, Eiweiß: 71,0 g, Salz: 1,61 g.

Nährwert (pro Portion 30 g) : Energie: 463 kJ, Kalorien (kcal): 110, Fett: 1.5 g – davon gesättigte Fettsäuren: 0.6 g, Kohlenhydrate: 1.9 g – davon Zucker: 0.4 g, Ballaststoffe: 1.7 g, Eiweiß: 21.3 g, Salz: 0.48 g.

Aminosäuren (pro 100 g) : L-Isoleucin*: 4,1 g, L-Leucin*: 11,8 g, L-Lysin*: 5,3 g, L-Methionin*: 1,9 g, L-Phenylalanin*: 5,1 g, L-Threonin*: 3,3 g, L-Tryptophan*: 1,3 g, L-Valin*: 5,2 g, L-Histidin: 2,6 g, L-Arginin: 7,6 g, L-Tyrosin: 3,4 g, L-Cystein: 2,7 g, L-Alanin: 4,6 g, L-Asparagin: 10,3 g, L-Glutamin: 18,1 g, Glycin: 4,2 g, L-Prolin: 4,7 g, L-Serin: 4,3 g. (* essentielle Aminosäure)

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Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
My honest review

-for sure NOT TOO SWEET, I'd even say it's not sweet at all, which I like as you could always add fruits to smoothies or sweetener of choice to other things like porridge. But you can never take out, so it's great the product is versatile!
-seems to be fairly SOLUBLE and doesn't clump up. Have yet to try it in a porridge or other things than a shake, very excited!
-not too THICK. I hate protein powders that try to be "creamy", but end up cementing my oats or making ne eat my smoothie with a spoon. None of that here!
-I have only tried the hazelnut chocolate one, but it SMELLS INCREDIBLE.
-the MACROS are great, price is competitive for sure and they send to the whole EU 🥹❤️

Few things I'd that are less than ideal for me personally:
-maltodextrin seems unnecessary (maybe to me, a consumer, not a food scientist!). It's seems to be ultra processed without much benefits.
-The packaging made it a bit messy to open and I couldn't get it to zip all the way back. It's a very small inconvenience though, I'll just decant it :)

Overall I'm very happy with my order, I'll be sure to write another review after I try the banana bread flavour! ❤️

P.s. thank you for the sample, I'll be sure to gift it to my friend, who's on the hunt for vegan protein too!

Hi Julija,
Thank you so much for your honest review ❤️
The maltodextrin is a stabiliser contained in the coconut milk powder we're using, so the actual overall content in the protein powder is tiny. Nonetheless, I'm on the lookout for a high quality one that comes without to hopefully replace it in the future.
For the zip, you can clean it by running a toothpick or something else that's pointy through it, then it should seal again without any issues! I'm sorry it's such a hassle, also here I'm looking for a better solution ❤️
All a work in progress so your feedback is gold!
Thank you again,


Super leckeres, top lösliches Proteinpulver. Es schmeckt wirklich ausgesprochen gut und lässt sich super vielfältig verwenden. Und nicht teuer als andere Proteinpulver, die nicht vegan sind und meist viel zu süß.


Great product, I love it! Nice taste, not too sweet and I love the idea of having a women-empowering brand & owner behind!


Finally found the best protein powder! It is not overly sweet like most others, which is a very important for me. The hazelnut flavor is my favorite. For both flavors, the consistency is perfect, super smooth, and mixes well with anything, plant milk, yogurt, oats. I also like that the ingredients are clean. And shoutout to Anna for creating something that’s not only high quality but also supports women in getting stronger. Weiter so 💪


Perfectly balanced flavours! Plant based, no sweeteners added. Need to give a try!